
Keeping secrets secure when using API Clients

Playing with Azure CLI and Nushell to generate a secret environment file to send HTTP requests

When using some API Clients (like REST Client or the HTTP Client of JetBrains' IDEs), environment variables are stored in JSON files that can contain secrets. To share these files within a team, developers tend to send them by email or by messaging applications, which is not very convenient nor secure 🔐. I thought it would be a good idea to store these secrets directly in an Azure Key Vault and automate the generation of a JSON file containing the secrets using Azure CLI and Nushell.


Producing packages for Windows Package Manager

Automate the upgrade of a winget package with GitHub Actions and Winget Create.

In my previous articles about winget I talked about installing packages but I did not talk about producing packages for Windows Package Manager. So let's set things right.


Clean up your local git branches.

Playing with Nushell to create a useful git alias to delete unused local git branches.

When working on a git repository, I often have to manually delete old local branches that I don't use anymore. That's not a huge waste of time but still, that's something I have to do quite often so I decided to automate that.