Azure Functions

Week 4, 2024 - Tips I learned this week

Some tips about Azure and Azure DevOps.

The other day, I wanted to locally debug a Queue-triggered function without manually adding a queue message to my local storage.


Week 20, 2022 - Tips I learned this week

The "this" in TypeScript, a must-have tool for Durable Functions, and a new git alias.

Once again, I found myself forgetting that this can lose context in JavaScript/TypeScript which results in exceptions because this is undefined. This is probably obvious for most developers but this is not a case I come across often so it's better to write it down so that I have something to refer to next time.


AzureWebJobsStorage, the secret you don't need in your Function App.

If you are using Azure Functions chances are you are using the setting AzureWebJobsStorage in your Function App configuration. And it is quite likely that the value of this setting which is a secret is stored in a non-secured way directly in your Function App configuration, available to anyone who has access to this configuration. But do not worry, we will see in this article how we can make your Function App more secure by removing this secret.


You almost no longer need Key Vault references for Azure Functions.

Talking about how to manage configuration secrets in Azure Functions.

The possibility to add configuration sources in Azure Functions has just been released with the latest version of Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Extensions NuGet package. I have been waiting for this feature for a long time (like many people I think) because it brings to Azure Functions all the things we are used to with configuration in ASP.NET Core 😻. But that is not the only reason, it is also because with this feature you almost don't need to use key vault references!