Azure DevOps

Week 4, 2024 - Tips I learned this week

Some tips about Azure and Azure DevOps.

The other day, I wanted to locally debug a Queue-triggered function without manually adding a queue message to my local storage.


Week 46, 2022 - Tips I learned this week

Some tips about .NET, pnpm, and Azure DevOps.

This week, I installed .NET 7 on my laptop and I used Windows Package Manager for that:


Week 5, 2022 - Tips I learned this week

Tooling around .NET, Azure DevOps and VS Code.

This week we talk about code analysis in .NET, cron expressions with crontab guru, diagrams in Azure DevOps wikis, and sending HTTP requests in VS Code.


Week 3, 2022 - Tips I learned this week

Tooling around .NET, Azure DevOps, and VS Code.

.NET 6 introduced a new way to build a .NET application using the new WebApplication and WebApplicationBuilder classes. One thing I like about it is how configuration is handled. Instead of using the ConfigureAppConfiguration method to add a new configuration source, you can directly use the Configuration property on the WebApplicationBuilder instance. You can see an example of this change on this screenshot of the ASP.NET Core documentation: