
How did I automate the setup of my developer Windows laptop?

A git repository, 2 packages managers, a little bit of scripting, and here is my new environment ready

In this article, I talked about my latest project: how I built a script to automate the setup of my developer machine using Boxstarter, Chocolatey, Winget, and PowerShell... and how I learned a few things along the way.


4 tips about GitHub Actions environment variables and contexts

I recently played a bit with GitHub Actions and as I have spent some time running, again and again, my workflows to understand what was going wrong I thought it could be interesting to share what I have learned especially concerning environment variables and contexts.


Automate configuration of Teams Tab SSO with PowerShell.

Creating a PowerShell script to configure SSO for the tab of a Teams application.

If you have no interest in reading the blog post and just want the final script, you can find it on this GitHub repository.