
Vue.js CI/CD: Continuous Integration

When working on a project, you typically focus on a specific feature at a time, making changes on a dedicated branch for that feature. When it's time for you to integrate these modifications into the project's code base, the code base has likely evolved since you began working on your feature, as other team members have also pushed their work. That's why your code changes may introduce errors in the application you are developing.


Introducing the Vue.js CI/CD series

This is the first article of the Vue.js CI/CD series. It will be the opportunity to explain the purpose of the series and the topics we plan to cover.


When Pulumi met Nuke: a .NET love story

Pushing an ASP.NET Core API to Azure using .NET from provisioning to deployment

Today is a great time to be a developer:


Why will I choose Pulumi over Terraform for my next project?

My take on choosing an Infrastructure as solution

In today's world of cloud-first applications, multi-cloud/hybrid cloud companies, and complex infrastructures, using infrastructure as code is essential. In recent years, Terraform has become one of the most popular IaC solutions, but its challenger Pulumi is quickly gaining traction. In this article, I will tell you why I think Pulumi is better and why I will choose it over Terraform for my next project.


Forget DevOps, the future is already here!

Best practices in IT.

DevOps has been the trendy term for quite a few years now. Lots of companies including the biggest companies in Silicon Valley have started adopting DevOps practices. However the DevOps journey is not an easy one, so you might wonder if DevOps is suited for you and your company. Do now worry anymore, you can forget about DevOps because your company is probably already using the best practices in IT, and these are not DevOps practices. Let's take a deep dive into some of these practices in this article.